Monday, December 24, 2012

Message from President Wilkey

From President Wilkey’s message to the missionaries December 24, 2012

My missionary journal December 25, 1970, Sydney, Nova Scotia:

“It snowed 18 inches today and our mission president grounded all our cars so we had to walk four hours just to get to the Greenfields for dinner plus all the other walking we had to do.  We were beat!  However, this was a special day.  I definitely felt the spirit.  Absolutely.  Here’s just one reason why: My companion received just one package from home.  I had about nine.  When he wasn’t looking last night before bed, I rewrapped about half of mine and wrote his name on them then put them under his place by our little Christmas tree.  I will NEVER forget the look on his face this morning when he saw them.  He looked at me, started crying like a baby and we just gave each other a big ‘ol “missionary” hug.  We felt so close to each other (well, of course we did....we were hugging.....duh!).  Seriously, the spirit of Christmas and giving and sacrifice was so strong.  The joy those presents were meant to give me was doubled by the joy I saw in my companion’s eyes.  This is the spirit of Christmas.  This is the spirit of Christ.  This is THE spirit!  This is JOY!!!  Oh how I love my Savior, because “...he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19).”

There was nothing spectacular in my experience that Christmas night.  Or was there?  “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass” said Alma to his son Helaman.  Indeed, the accumulation of the “ordinary” becomes  the “extra-ordinary.”
May we continually focus on small and simple acts, attitudes and aptitudes which help others come unto Christ. That is “our purpose.” That is why we are here doing what we are doing by sharing, serving, caring and carrying that precious message.  “How great the importance to make these things known … the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life...”  (2 Nephi 2:8).  As we “make these things known” in small and simple ways, the “extra-ordinary” will occur.  When we look back on our missions, we will be stunned by how powerful our small acts were.  I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
With love for you and for our Redeemer,
President Wilkey

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