Saturday, June 22, 2013

Photo Faces - Attributes

Sense of humor: photographing moment at the close of meetings
Elders Simkins, Hill, Seely, Tewksbury, Ferre and Woodruff
We strive to become Christlike missionaires, to attain Christlike attributes 
PATIENCE - Elders Esplin and Barnes

BROTHERLY KINDNESS - Elders Gassant and Davis

KNOWLEDGE - Elders Lewis and Jessop

HUMILITY - Sisters Smith, Huefner, Griffin and Taylor

CHARITY - Elders Gale and Brown

FAITH - Elder Pruett and Sister Bickel who shared their musical
talent to lift and inspire

HOPE - Elders Knighton and Chronister  All three hoping to emulate the qualities of the prophet
President Monson and his two counselors, President Eyting and President Uchtdorf

OBEDIENCE - Elders Weisenberg and Lund study and prepare

DILIGENCE - Sisters Turley and Talbot share their bread making talents

VIRTUE - Elders  Ferre and Seely from President's childhood home town in Utah

EYE SINGLE to the GLORY of GOD - both Sisters Brown!

With desires to serve God - the polka dot sisters
Sisters Wallantine, Morgan, Brown, Fuller and Wilkey

FAITH - Sister Jensen
FULL of LOVE - President enjoys the wonder of children
with the Fojos three, Sydney, Nicolas and Samantha

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