Monday, June 3, 2013

Incoming or Outgoing = High Emotion

Twenty six new missionaries, another new zone.  The sea of suitcases tells the story!  Yes, indeed, and alas, all the suitcases did arrive though after midnight.
Sisters Herrick, a visa waiter,  and Reid

Trainers set the tone of the mission.  Here Elder Weicks, far left with Elder Smith, far right
Elder Goff and Elder Hansen in the middle

Sack lunches and then out  to new areas.  Elders Wengert and Varney
join the mission as visa waiter.  Elder Hatch and Lozano, right, reunite,
having served in the same district.
Elder Cordova will train Eler Harkness, far right
Sister Taylor with Sister Griffin finds her box of bedding
The Savior, Jesus Christ, in parting counsel to his apostles said: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them..."  Missionaries search the scriptures for the blessings of baptism

New Missionaries and their trainers discover from scriptures the blessings of baptism

A week later: all the new missionaries and trainers return to Manchester
for a day of instruction and practice.

Returning home with honor!! 
There is "no greater joy than to hear that [our missionaries] walk in truth."  3 John 1:4
Elder Giles meets his family at the airport

Elder Morales' family came to the Mission Home

The joy of family reunion!!!

Sister Johnson served marvelously.  Her parents came to meet her at the Mission Home.

Elder Smith is welcomed home.

1 comment:

Daniel on a Mission! said...

Thank-you so much for posting these pictures. That is our son Elder Hansen. One of the new missionaries that arrived last month. He never hesitates to tell us how much he loves President Wilkey. We can't tell you how much it means to us to know that he is with people who love him and want him to succeed! We truly hope that the next President and his wife will continue this wonderful blog.
Scott & Marcy Hansen