Sunday, May 27, 2012


at Crescent Beach, Maine
daily cardio
We look forward to the millenial day after the second coming of the Savior, when the lamb shall lie down with the lion and a little child shall lead them...(Isaiah 11:6)    
 Already Clayton is taking the lead in running, just like his mom.

What joy for us to have time with Devin and Janene and their two sons, Clayton, 4 and Collin, 1 1/2! Grandpa President was concerned that Collin whom he had not yet met would not come to him.  As you can see, his fears were completely allayed and he and Collin became best of buddies.                                                                                      Obviously he enjoyed not only the hugs but also wrestling with two delightful little boys.
family home evening

Boston Temple moment

Does it get better than this?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Photography beautiful! Words inspiring! People priceless!