"We must develop the capacity to see men (others) not as they are at present but as they may become." President Thomas S Monson
"We have two seasons: winter and the Fourth of July." (New England proverb) But we have noticed that New Englanders bring vases of flowers into their homes, perhaps to welcome spring year around. That's optimism: always seeing the flowers in the winter.
Notice the sense of fun in a typical New England red barn.
That's a sense of what a barn can become!!
We love the distinctive "flavor" of Maine from seacoast to farming land. Notice all the buoy markers on a shack near Boothbay, Maine. Lobstermen use colorful buoys to remember the location of their lobster traps and to distinguish theirs from others. (Photo courtesy of Marcus Hutchins.) Any shed can become a showcase!
Windows are wonderful. They serve as a frame on which we might focus our attention.... Windows also reveal the approach of a friend, a gathering storm, a magnificent sunset...Windows welcome light to our lives... President Thomas S Monson
Looking out the window at Hutchin's cottage on a clear day -
"It is not the going out of port, but the coming in,
that determines the success of the voyage." Henry Ward Beecher
that determines the success of the voyage." Henry Ward Beecher
" The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing."
President Thomas S Monson
The two pictures above, taken by Marcus Hutchins from their family home front window capture the beauty and majesty of the Atlantic ocean. Notice the Cuckold's Lighthouse in the distance.
VERMONT “A sap-run is the sweet good-by of winter. It is the fruit of the equal marriage of the sun and frost.”John Burroughs, Signs and Seasons, 1886
2013 maple syrup season = 45 gallons sap to one gallon syrup.
1. care for the trees.attaching sap lines to the trees to 2. Tapping each tree individually (for the Goodriches = 40,000 trees)
3. Bringing in the sap gathered; Sap through tubing to trucks
4. Sap tanks. Each tank. 7000 gallon
5. Through RO
H2o. Reverse osmosis nanofiltration.
H2o. Reverse osmosis nanofiltration.
President Goodrich tending the boiler, an around the clock work when the sap runs. He has invented several components of the processing of sap to syrup.
6. Boilers which take constant watch care
7. From boiler to barrels
8 From barrels to Bottles.
Sister Ruth Goodrich is not only side by side Glenn in the mapling season, but in all seasons of their business and farming operations. Both take time as well to volunteer as EMTs. She spends many hours serving Boy Scouts as well.
9. To Shipping or Store
"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost
New England Observations
DISTANCE: Over left ankle and up two buckles.It's about a farsee.
"The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time."DISTANCE: Over left ankle and up two buckles.It's about a farsee.
ATTITUDE: "You can't keep trouble from coming, but you don't have to give it a chair to sit on."
"Small circumstances produce great events"
"Wishing isn't doing."
"You can't always tell by the looks of a toad how far he can jump."
"In New England we have nine months of winter and three months of poor sledding."
So the outah statah says to the Down-Eastah....."There sure are a lot of funny looking people aound heh" And tha Mainah says...."Yup....but come Labah Day, they'll awl be gawn"!
- Submitted by Barb&Rog L. (Columbia, Maine)
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