"As we approach the birth of the prophet Joseph
Smith, I share one small experience of great worth to my soul, and
hopefully, to you.
A light broke forth which continues to illuminate,
instruct and inspire.
The place, the birthplace of the prophet in
Sharon, Vermont, would never again be just the "Visitor's Center,"
but hallowed ground, for me a spiritual birthplace.
Having concluded the day's visitor tours, my
companion was securing building one and I was doing the same for building two.
I entered the room with the actual hearthstone of the Smith home and read the
informational sign, the words which I had committed to memory:
"Around this hearthstone ad its glowing
fireplace two days before Christmas, 1805, the Smith family washed, dressed and
cuddled the future organizer of God's kingdom restored."
Never had that passage entered my heart as it did
that night. I felt a 'surge' within that surprised me considering that I
repeated those words daily. Though it was mere seconds, it has remained a
lifelong impression.
The urge to kneel and pray upon the hearthstone
was overpowering. I knelt and in the silence of that starlit December night,
offered the desires of my heart. I opened with thanks for the man, his mission,
the miracle of the First Vision and light restored. Then I simply asked, “Was
Joseph Smith the Prophet?" I opened my eyes, only to see the moonlit
silhouette of the life sized statue of the prophet a few feet to my left. I
experienced an absolute, warm sensation from head to toe with a radiant
understanding that indeed, Joseph Smith was what he said he was that he saw
what he said he saw, that he was God's instrument to restore the fullness of
the gospel of Jesus Christ on earth. I felt awe, gratitude, excitement, joy and
peace and wonder, all wrapped in one harmonious moment.

"I have not had and did not have a singular moment of "knowing" that Joseph Smith is indeed the prophet of the restoration. I was certainly more like the Lamanites who were converted but knew it not (3 Nephi 9:20) Frankly, I knew so little of prophets or of scriptural history that the need of a prophet was not one of my "inspired questions." I was more fixed on the knowing the purpose of life and of knowing the reality of diety and specifically, Jesus Christ. As I discovered prayer and the certainty that we converse with a loving Heavenly Father, I began to accept and receive truths line upon line, commitment to commitment, one small change to another. Now, in retrospect, I say unequivocally, I know that Joseph Smith did see God the Father and Jesus Christ. I feel especially the power of his shared testimony of Jesus Christ: "And now, after the testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!"" Sister Wilkey

approaching the Joseph Smith Memorial |
live nativity for two days and donkey and lamb who spend the month |
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