Plant identifier please! We have not identified the name of this shrub. Its huge blossoms come in reds, pinks and lavender. The fern below is a fiddlehead, edible, seasonal and part of our supper menu.

And it’s mud season. The heavy snow packs thaw and the rains come. Rain!! Vermont newspapers reported 2.74 inches in a two day period, 16 inches in a month. Thus, flooding and flooding combined with strong winds. Only two missionaries were stranded as they attempted to return to their apartment; roads in Montpelier were closed; however they returned the following day and found flooding in the basement of the apartment. We were grateful for no other emergencies and all missionaries safe and accounted for with fifteen minutes of the President’s plea to know all their whereabouts.
Quote found on a church chalkboard. It says it all!

Do you recognize these wonderful friends? Yes, it’s Elder and Sister Excell serving their mission as employment specialists in the northeast area. They help members and non-members alike to access employment, education and self-employment opportunities. They came to the mission home to talk with the zone leaders and encourage missionaries to share with those they meet the resources of the specialists, the employment center and the website ldsjobs.org. They have done much to strengthen members and non members alike and have helped to 'grow' the employment center. They exude the joy of missionary service.

We are also encouraging missionaries in some areas to extend to those they find the joys of searching our family roots not only the family history libraries in their areas as well as through the familysearch.org website.
Building a foundation. Elders Maxfield and Lowe serving in Bangor, Maine spent
couple hours of a preparation day devising an object lesson for zone conference. They built the foundation of their tower on first faith in Jesus Christ and personal prayer and study, companion unity and a dedicated, obedient “set apart” heart. Down the center of the tower is what you see sticking out at the bottom, a pvc pipe stabilizer which they called the constant guidance and influence of the Holy Ghost. They illustrated that each of those blocks is essential for the conversion and ultimate temple blessings of individuals.

I love the Hubble picture! I've been thinking a lot about you lately and reviewing some great memories of the BYU First Stake. We had a chance to visit with the Lisonbee's last month at a wedding reception for their daughter.
Your beautiful pictures bring back great memories of New England. I'm hoping to get back there sometime in the next year. Our sons Patrick and Bob are both at Harvard right how and we have a couple of good friends in New Hampshire.
I taught Book of Mormon for the first time at BYU last Winter. There will be a repeat next semester. This picture brought two things to mind which I try to make central to my class:
1) All things testify of Christ. I feel especially blessed as a scientist to get particularly vivid visions of the Lord's hand in His creations. As an LDS scientist, its even more enlightening because I get the benefit of both revealed truth and truth we can experience through observation and reason. I try to bring this perspective to my students as they study the Savior through the lens of the Book of Mormon.
2) The men in my class are generally in the missionary preparation stage. Most leave on their missions the summer after our experience together. With that in mind, I'm frequently prompted to show them what a great tool the Book of Mormon is for missionary work and to expound the First Principles of the Gospel of Christ. Since we discuss both how to teach and to apply these principles, the sisters get included as well (and are often the most insightful contributors).
I hope all is well with you. I look forward to hearing stories when you return.
just reread your comment and testimony. Very often President expresses his appreciation for your influence on both of us as well as hundreds no thousands of students and members of the stake.
Hey President and Sister Wilkey! This is Mitchell Schwab. My wife and I are making our honeymoon trip to New England to visit the mission next week! I realize that you two are both very busy but I'd absolutely love for you two to meet my beautiful wife. My email is mdschwab24@gmail.com. Hope you are both doing great!
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