A day of 80 degrees. Rain. And now the flowers are alive, the trees budding. For exercise we have planted pansies, cleared brush. And in the doing so, President Wilkey acquired a tick, tiny menace that was only a dog tick and yet has left him with cellulitis around the site. The long winter darkness had begun to take a toll on our missionaries and they were happy for “light” acquiring health tips and for three days of sunshine.

Outgoing Missionaries – 5 elders and two sisters we returned regrettably to Temple Square “…he [Jesus Christ] inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness…black and white, bond and free, male and female…” 2 Nephi 26:13
An elder three hours from boarding the plane for home reading from Preach My Gospel, the definition of a successful missionary, able to say, choked with emotion, voice full of l conviction, that he had given full measure and had felt the joy of service.
Incoming Missionaries which President insists must not be called “greenies” came in a package of 10 elders and two sisters.

The dedication and sacrifice of our New England Saints who support missionary effort through opening homes and hearts, offering rides and referrals, exemplifying our Master.
Senior Missionaries – WE LOVE THEM!! We had a couple gathering with 10 of the 12 serving here. And seniors have fun! A game of Pictionary with hymns was lively. The testimonies and experiences later shared by three leaving left us happily grateful for miracles in records preservation, in finding the needy and in confirming that our Father in Heaven knows each one of us personally. The couples with us left between them 38 grandchildren and their homes in Portland, Oregon and Kaysville, Utah.

The ‘light” and “white” in the countenance of Dave Williams as he witnessed the vicarious baptism of his beloved wife, Judy who died only four days before she was to be baptized. She had battled complications of diabetes and other diseases but had found new joy in the message of eternal life through accepting the Savior and his restored gospel. In the Boston Temple Sister Wilkey was blessed to serve as her proxy.
Reading from the four gospels the accounts of the last week of the Savior’s earthly ministry and then reading together from the book, Jesus the Christ, the same account. President Wilkey gave a talk in Sacrament meeting after we had been reading and with deep gratitude shared his conviction that because Jesus Christ completed the Atonement, we can also complete with his divine help our hard tasks.
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