For the LOVE of February 2011
Zone Conferences

President Wilkey chose an object lesson to introduce a discussion on putting our choices, our desires, our actions in tune with the Spirit. He used tuning forks to illustrate sympathetic resonance or sympathetic vibration whereby one vibratory body responds to the vibrations of another to which it has harmonic likeness. He used three tuning forks, two tuned to middle C and the other tuned to D. When he tapped the tuning fork C, the other C fork began singing the same note. They were both tuned to the same frequency. Both forks would always and consistently respond to the middle C. He had us strike middle C on the piano to further illustrate sympathetic resonance. However the other tuning fork (D) will not respond because it is tuned to another frequency; it does not have sympathetic vibration or frequency. He used the object lesson to teach the principle of having our lives in tune with the Spirit. He said, “the Spirit of the Lord comes at its own unique frequency; you will resonate to it if you are in tune with it. But if your frequency is different, you will not respond or resonate with the same spirit…Now, tuning forks cannot change their frequencies, but people can. They can become in tune with the Spirit. “
Valentines Day
Ah, for the joy of sister missionaries! They bring their loving and creative touch to service. And to us, for Valentines Day, we had a ‘heart attack’ at the mission office complete with some of the sayings and scriptures from zone conference. We were happy to receive Valentines from family and friends. Old missionaries are not much different that young ones: they wait at the mail box!

Leadership Training February 15-24
© -What is the doctrine of Christ?
© -What does it mean to each of us as individuals?
© -How do we unify with leaders, members?
© -How can we be leaders that inspire, uplift and carry forth the work of the Savior in our area of responsibility? These were the general questions we sought to answer through the leadership training. The bitter cold (belligerent y cold in the words of long time Mainiac (yes, that’s what they call themselves.) did not deter the missionaries’ enthusiasm for learning and for the ‘fun’ of breaks, a cake decorating contest (few ingredients, less time even though it was the day following preparation day) and an active break in a day of workshops, study and ‘real’ play as we call the interactive practice of principles.

Transfers and New and Returning Missionaries
Feb. 28-March 9
Transfer planning is major prayer, fasting, pondering for President. But the incoming missionaries (7 this time) bring excitement mixed with apprehension. The day and a half with outgoing missionaries is sweet: temple trip, testimonies, singing, sharing funny and faith-filled stories, talking of their next steps. You can see the board behind him, five zones, 20 districts, 52 areas.
Regional training from Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s teaching on counseling influenced our zone leaders’ council last week: In counseling with our councils, we are not merely seeking consensus though that is helpful. What we are seeking is REVELATION to occur. We want the counseling in councils to facilitate REVELATION. Then we unitedly do the will of the Lord.

Snow Shovels to Umbrellas
So do you ever wonder what the president receives in the weekly letters to the president? Miracles, goals reached, griefs, challenges, complaints, joys and sometimes art work. This certainly describes one sister’s lack of enthusiasm for upcoming New England mud season. Rain mixed with feet of snow melt!
Can’t really blame her. She has a broken foot and has had to wear a boot for the last 8 weeks.

We have an elder with a broken arm, snapped distal radius, major break and resultant emergency surgery. And for me, endless phone calls—missionary medical, doctors, parents, stake president. The elder is one tough dedicated young man: refused to have any sympathy, was out working the night before surgery and four days later.
Sister Wilkey has found a very good listener. Not particularly responsive but ….

So who are the Frost Heaves? A premier basketball league in Barre, Vermont
Next trivia question? How about the Fisher Cats?
Candlepin bowling? Stay tune. We are going to have a preparation day sooner or later.
Strive to Arrive with 385?

As the missionaries of the New Hampshire Manchester Mission, “We Will Strive to Arrive with 385,” converts, that is. Having begun with December 23, 2010 and continuing until April 6, 2012, we will strive to find, teach and prepare for baptism and confirmation and retention of 385 souls!
In honor of the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith, grateful that his birth place is in our mission, we have chosen to begin our “accounting” on his birthdate DECEMBER 23. In deep gratitude for our Savior Jesus Christ and in commemoration of the organization of His Church we chose to conclude APRIL 6, 2012.
To honor the work of the prophet in the 38.5 years of his life – 10 people covenanting with Christ through baptism for each year of the prophet’s life -- we will work “ to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to [others of] the sons and daughters of God.” (Dallin H. Oaks, Preach My Gospel, 9)
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