July 4th 2010 journal—fireworks outside the window
A mission of miracles and of complete exhaustion.
Out with missionary sisters last evening one of which is Sister Worlton. In awe of their confidence in the Master and His message and in their genuine desire and eloquence in sharing that message. They act in expectation of miracles, the miracles of the individuality of our Father's love. Who else would prompt a mission president a few months ago to put those two sisters together both of whom had taken some sign language classes in junior high or high school and who but a loving Father would prompt those sisters to approach Claude on the street and when finding that he is deaf have enough singing words placed in their minds to communicate with him. I went with them last night as they taught him, newly baptized about fasting.
President out with the missionaries the first night. Loved it and again felt gratitude for the missionaries and his ability to speak above our ability.. He has spent many, many hours in his home office, organizing, planning for the mission tour this week, studying for the upcoming interviews and teaching week, reading letters from missionaries. Tonight he has 7 plus phone calls to return. Voice mail of one companionship said that the police are after them. Not an infraction of the law but???
House now totally moved into and fixed up. Two delightful physical facilities missionaries from the Joseph Smith Memorial. Delightful. Lots of visiting while putting up pictures, cleaning. Will send photos of the finished product.
Have met with office couple twice and with the assistants. Long planning meetings. Will we ever escape planning? It must be some eternal law.
Had supper delivered and eaten with Caleb Franklin, his wife Trina, their two daughters and son on Friday pm. Enjoyed their family.
To Manchester Ward today, to a baptism, an hour long visit with the concord Stake president, and a ward function.
So far we have had many visitors. Did major shopping tour yesterday.
Love you all. Sure have felt your prayers. Look at your photos often.
Know the love of the Lord. See the miracles of His constant concern.
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