The photo Christmas card of two elders serving in a Spanish speaking area of the mission captures our feeling of the season.
Androscoggin River Falls in Lewiston, Maine once vibrant with aquatic life became polluted from factory waste.Today it is being reclaimed though it is still tainted with mercury and dioxins.
In an object lesson for President Wilkey in talking to the youth, he referenced 1 Nephi 15:27 the
water which my father saw was filthiness;and so much was his mind swallowed up in other things that he beheld not the filthiness of the water. He asked simply,“Are you filling your minds, your hearts, your lives with so much good that you will not pay heed to the filthiness? And if you have become polluted, are you doing all you can do –and allowing the healing of the Atonement—to again to become clean again?"