- The sure witness of God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ borne by the prophet Joseph.
- The humble birthplace of Joseph in Vermont. This is the hearthstone where the baby Joseph was laid after his birth on December 23, 1805.
- With stake conferences, zone conference and meetings, three day trainings, we have witnessed the amazing fruition of the promise that we will have words given us to speak in the very hour they are needed if we treasure up the words of life. (D.C. 84:85). Dad-Dave spoke or trained in over half the days of the month; L spoke and supported.
- Missionaries! We were sad that two left last week due to illness. Nine departed early in November having completed their service. Missionaries come in every personality and devotion level possible.
- The inspiration of living apostles evidenced in the Improving Teaching Effectiveness curriculum that helps missionaries to become better teachers.
- Prayer – lots of. Pleading for inspiration and strength to know what to do and help to do it
- Illnesses- of missionaries. 9 hours in an emergency room. Sadly putting a sister on the plane after 2 months of health struggles (She has surgery this day in fact. We are hoping she will return soon.) Trying to find doctors who don’t want to take short-term patients.
- Meetings- zone leaders’ council, zone specialized training, three day specialized training for 40 elders and sisters, one by one interviews (Dad), zone conference with Elder Walker of the Seventy; Speaking - three stake conferences, one ward Sacrament meeting, fireside
- Transfers and transfer planning.
- Three gallons taco soup inhaled at zone leaders’ council, café rio salad, the all-time missionary favorite, 16 sets of sheets in the laundry, enumerable phone calls all day long (Dad)
- Missionaries in and out of the home. Singing around the piano with the departing elders
- Feeling overwhelmed that we can look back at the steps of inspiration we took, had sought with real intent and only realized in retrospect
- Laughter and tears.

- Dad’s constant message: Have a set apart heart, a consecrated heart.
- Blustery, cold days with the sun down at 4:30 pm
- Beautiful Christmas crèches (over 1000 of them) in two crèche exhibits

- Three trips to Vermont, one to Bangor Maine.
- Two poopy experiences with food poisoning
- Missionary concerns, challenges, crises, joys, successes and growth.
- Miracle of knowing that when we are doing the will and the work of the Lord, we are never alone.